Doping Control Officer Refresher Course in Timor Leste
With the support of SEARADO and UNESCO, a Doping Control Officer (DCO)
Refresher Course was held in Timor-Leste on the 8th of June 2024. Four
DCOs were re-trained and re-assessed by returning trainer, Ms. Nazima Kassim.
The DCOs also conducted an Out-of-Competition Testing session on the 9th
of the June under the watchful eyes of Ms. Nazima.
High praises have been given not only to the DCOs, but also to Ms. Kerry
Galhos, whose tireless co-ordinating efforts made sure that the course
was conducted smoothly.
Keep up the good work and thank you for keeping sport clean, Komité Étika
no Anti-Dopajen Timor-Leste!